Takeaway ratings in Digbeth

Get the ratings and reviews of takeaway restaurants in Digbeth. To view the menu and order online simply click the takeaways from the list below.

Chillichicks - Birmingham 1
19, Digbeth, B5 5PJ
Ladbrooke Restaurant - Birmingham
Bordesley Street, Digbeth, B5 5BL
Meriden Kebab - Bordesley
90 Meriden Street, Digbeth, B5 5LR
Wood Hut Pizzeria - Digbeth
Digbeth Arena Lower Trinity, Digbeth, B9 4AG
Digbeth on the map

Other takeaways in Birmingham

Big John's (Highgate) - 291 Gooch Street
Grill box - 66 Windmill Hill
KFC Birmingham - New Oscott - Princess Alice Drive, Sutton Coldfield
Multiano Pizza - 682b Alum Rock Road
La Creme Desserts - Acocks Gr - 148 Yardley Road

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Postcodes in Digbeth

B5 / B9

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